InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Uses of Cut Commands in LinuxGet parts of a line through cut commandsAug 16, 20221Aug 16, 20221
InTechToFreedombyYang ZhouCommands History in Bash: 5 Questions To Help You Master ItUsing and managing old Linux commands like a guruAug 9, 2022Aug 9, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang ZhouAutomation with Bash: How To Monitor Disk Storage and Send Email AlertsMonitor your Linux servers like a guruJul 25, 20221Jul 25, 20221
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou8 Uses of sed in LinuxA super weapon for text editing in Unix-like systemsJul 19, 20221Jul 19, 20221
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou10 Tiny Linux Tricks That Will Boost Your ProductivityCLI is more productive than GUIJul 7, 20229Jul 7, 20229
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Levels of Using Chmod Commands in LinuxPrecisely control the access permissions of your filesJun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou8 Levels of Using awk in LinuxExplaining with simple examplesApr 11, 20223Apr 11, 20223
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Ways To Write Loops in BashBash scripting is more interesting than you expectedJun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Uses of Set Commands To Make Your Bash Scripts Secure and RobustAvoid unexpected issues in advanceMay 18, 20223May 18, 20223
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Handy Uses of xargs Commands in BashIt redirects stdin into arguments of a commandMay 9, 20222May 9, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou3 Levels of Using Functions in BashBash can be elegant tooJun 19, 20222Jun 19, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Handy String Manipulation Tricks in BashHandling strings like a guruJun 8, 2022Jun 8, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou8 Uses of SCP Commands in LinuxTransferring files securely and convenientlyMay 16, 20222May 16, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang ZhouBrace Expansion in Linux: Making Your Life EasierSaving you from typing and bugsApr 17, 20222Apr 17, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou7 Uses of grep Commands in LinuxA super tool for string searchingApr 5, 20222Apr 5, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Types of Expansions on LinuxA small feature can make your life much easierMay 7, 2022May 7, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou7 Uses of find Command in LinuxFind it and do what you wantMar 13, 20222Mar 13, 20222
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Bug-Prone Points About Variables in Linux Bash ScriptingMind the gapApr 13, 2022Apr 13, 2022
InTechToFreedombyYang ZhouWildcards on Linux: A Practical GuideLeveraging the power of this small featureMay 4, 20221May 4, 20221
InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou5 Levels of Handling I/O Redirection in LinuxRedirecting the stdout, stderr and stdin like a guruMay 2, 2022May 2, 2022